Inside EFRA – Meet The Board: Javier Garcia

In the first of our new series, as part of Inside EFRA, we want you to get to know the board members who work in each section of RC Motorsport Europe, across the classes of racing together with the Federations, Associate Members  along with the treasurer, secretary and president. So who better to start with than the 1/8th IC Track Chairman and President himself, Mr Javier Garcia!


EFRA: Hi there Javier 👋🏻 

JG: Hello! Nice to hear from you!!

EFRA: How are you? 

JG: I’m fine. I hope same for you! Health-wise everything is fine here, no COVID infection for my side and family, so considering the situation I’m more than happy. Regarding RC and our passion… I miss all of you guys at the track!!!! I want to leave “Virtual meetings” and to come back to our physical contact on the tracks. Spaniards need that 🇪🇸  😃

EFRA: Ok, in no more than 5 words describe the job you do for EFRA… 

JG: Coordination, develop and spread our passion (sorry 6 words)

EFRA: Ok if that was difficult, what’s the longer version? 

JG: Honesty speaking it hasn’t been difficult describe it because when somebody asks me this question, I always have those words in my mind. The longer version is described in the handbook where you read the tasks of the President and Section Chairmen better than in my words. But if you read that, you have to add always passion for RC and the motivation to improve our #RCMotorsport. This has been my wish when I started with my first experience as President of my local Club “CLUB CARSOL” in 2001. One of the main abilities required in my position is to try to understand every single point of view when you have to take a decision or to consider any initiative and the motivation for each person or group to keep this position. Then, with this in mind EFRA has to then take decisions based on the benefit of the sport.


EFRA: What is your favourite class of RC racing? 

JG: Well, for those who know me… easy, normal and obvious… 1/8th IC On road… My home class, where I spent all my RC life and, in my opinion, the pure IC on road class (sorry Ian Oddie…🙏🙏)

EFRA: Are you any good at racing? 

JG: Sadly NOT!!! I tried many times, but I never had the level to beat Dario Balestri or some other RC Monsters 😂. My best result was semifinals in Spanish Nationals. As my wife said: I always come back from the track and say: “I was in first position, all was running great, BUT………” …And then insert: crashes, technical issues, driving issues etc… etc…😀



EFRA: Ok, enough small talk! Tell us about the real you… What are your favourite things? Pet hates etc!?

JG: Hmmm, well food…. I eat everything, so not an issue there… I’m a “normal guy” 😁  But love; well, I love my family: my wife and daughter. And of course, brother and mum. At this time, I have to say THANKS TO MY WIFE because she is the one person who knows how much time I spend in EFRA against out of our free time. And this is as a volunteer and THANKS to her for respecting my passion. I never will be able to compensate her for that… My father, who was the person to gave me RC Motorsport in my blood passed away in 2011. I hope that to see me in this position could be a moment proud for him.

EFRA: What is your proudest moment in RC either on or off the track?

JG: Wow!! Cool question… Difficult to answer. On the track I think when an EC is finished and drivers, organisers, teams and general public are happy and give positive comments and a good vibe to EFRA about the race. And of course becoming President and Section Chairman is one of the proudest moments. Off the track… if my contribution in EFRA can improve RC in any way for organisers, RC Industry, drivers, etc… then I will be Proudest and finally satisfied!

EFRA: What is your favourite sport outside of RC?

JG:  Sport I take part in: On road cycling. Love it. As a fan, MotoGP, I’m a supporter of this format, the content and how they are improving motorcycle racing. I have a lot of respect for the FIM & Dorna organisations and how they work to promote the sport and also, I have a lot of positive ideas from them.

EFRA: What was the last music you heard? 

JG: Good question. I love music depending on what I’m doing. When I do sport, I like motivational music (rock, indie, electronic music of 90’s..) doesn’t matter the class of music. When I study any matter of subject: Classical. When I’m working in the EFRA Development Plan: Electronic music, especially TomorrowLand YouTube Channel… So, the range is very wide 😀 😀

EFRA: What do you do to relax?

JG: Easy!!! Leave the phone and computer on the car before entering at home!!  It’s the best way to relax. When I disconnect electronically, my time of relaxation starts 😀

EFRA: What advice would you give someone wanting to compete in an EFRA Euros for the first time? 

JG: Have fun! It’s the best advice that I can tell somebody entering a EUROs for the first time. One of the reasons to do RC as Motorsport for amateurs is to have fun. Have fun racing, have fun on the track, making friends from different countries and have fun watching the main final with best drivers in Europe / Worldwide. Honestly, my best memories on EC’s have been meeting people, chatting with them (even discussing), and catching the atmosphere of what a big RC event is.

EFRA: How did you become involved in EFRA?

JG: Since 1999 I was involved in my National Federation AECAR as Section Chairman of 1/8th and, after that time, I was involved as National Referee. Then, I had the pleasure to be National Referee in Spain in an EC in Madrid where I met Dallas as EFRA Referee. In 2004, I can say, I started my “EFRA Referee career”. My “pinnacle” was to be EFRA Referee in 2008 IFMAR WC 1/10th in Portugal with Dallas.  Also, I was in different AGMs since 2001 representing AECAR. Then, I had to stop for a while when my daughter born in 2010 and I came back as EFRA referee in 2012 in Halifax EC 1/8th… After that, I continued as a referee in different events and finally in 2016 I was EFRA Section Chairman 1/8th… Finally, in 2018 when Dallas passed away, I was proposed by EFRA board to take the position. In Brussels, AGM 2018, I was able to get the confidence of the Federations. Now, I’m here. But funny thing was that I met Willy Wuyts many many years ago when Willy and his friend Leo, visited my home track for first time (19__something…) It was amazing when, years later, met each other again in EFRA… It was a kind of “destiny” …


EFRA: What is the number one thing you would like to see in RC in Europe in the future? 

JG: One of my wishes is to see RC at the same level as full scale Motorsports. I think we have all the ingredients as sport to make it happen: Competition, RC Industry, Tracks, Organisers, Federations with capillarity from IFMAR to local clubs and most important: Drivers with passion for this sport.


Thanks for taking some time out and chatting with us Javier! Hope to see you at the track again soon!

Stay tuned for the next in the series where we meet another of the EFRA board members!


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