Inside EFRA – Meet The Board: Julie Thurston

As part of Inside EFRA, we are continuing to visit every member of the EFRA board and meeting all of the hardworking members who continue to give their time to help run RC Motorsport in Europe together with the Federations and Associate Members. For our next stop we meet 1/10 IC Chairman, Julie Thurston!


EFRA: Hi there Julie 👋🏻

Julie: Hi! how are you doing?

EFRA: Great thanks! And you?

Julie: Doing well thanks, its been a long 16+ months!

EFRA: Yes it really has…anyway, onwards and upwards…. Can you tell us in no more than 5 words the job you do for EFRA…?

Julie: EFRA Chairman for 1/10th IC

EFRA: Ok… what’s the longer version?

Julie: No longer version ….thats it! Short and sweet 😊 !

EFRA: Fair enough 😋 ! So what is your favourite class of RC racing?

Julie: Truthfully, I think 1/8th & 1/10th equally

EFRA: I see, are you any good at racing?

Julie: Absolutely not, cannot even get out of pit lane on VRC!

EFRA: Oh dear… What has been your proudest moment?

Julie: Proudest moment……hmm, on track, think that would have to be my 1st race as 1/10th Chairman at Turkheim EC Germany 2019. Off track… my son’s Graduation.


EFRA: Tell us one thing about you that we don’t already know

Julie: Most people know I have an aversion to tomato sauce and baked beans, what they don’t know …I would do time for anyone that would dare put them on my plate, I also go into mega panic if chased! 🤷‍♂️ 😂

EFRA: What is your favourite sport outside of RC?

Julie: Hmm…Favourite sport outside RC…..I actually love most sports except cricket ….sorry cricket fans!

EFRA: What was the last music you heard?

Julie: Music….Well, anything soul….I love do love Barry White but most recently I listened to Chairman of the Board.

EFRA: What do you do to relax?

Julie: Not much time to relax for me…! But when I do it’s got to be reading.


EFRA: What advice would you give someone wanting to compete in an EFRA Euros for the first time?

Julie: Well, I would say, do not be scared by the title and that there’s plenty of help always on hand, just experience and enjoy!

EFRA: How did you become involved in EFRA

Julie: I first became involved in EFRA as team manager for Great Britain in 1/10 IC at European Championships, I then became EFRA representative for my countries federation the BRCA in 1/10th IC. Then finally I was approached by EFRA to put forward for 1/10th IC Chairman.

EFRA: What is the number 1 thing you would like to see in RC in Europe in the future?

Julie: Right now I would like to see some racing!! But when this pandemic is under control, I want to see EFRA put on the biggest and best races for the drivers all over Europe! Something that makes them think they just cannot miss it!!!


Well thanks Julie, that’s just the kind of event we’d love to make happen too! We’ll see you at the track, and hopefully soon! 😊


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