Electric Track

EC 1/10 Elec. Track | Germany 🇩🇪

Important Tire news:  “It is now apparent that the chosen tyre for the Modified 10th ISTC EC could be in short supply for the event. “The reason is the total lack of a primary component to produce the compound which is unfortunately patented by only one company in the world […]

Warm Up 1/10 Elec. Track | Germany 🇩🇪

This is the official Warm Up for the EC 1/10 Elec. Track – more information on the EC is available here. Race officials Race Director: Dietrich FreddyEFRA Referee: Winkler MarkusDMC Referee: Maier ThomasTime Keeping: Wenzel Hartmut Race Organizers Deutscher Minicar Club e.V.Represented by:Dirk HornGretenrade 3124232 SchönkirchenPhone: +49 431–2059113E–Mail: praesident@dmc–online.com 1st. […]


Check out all the latest IFMAR Worlds event information at the club’s website: www.automodellismo5colli.com Plus there is a dedicated Warm Up webpage: https://www.automodellismo5colli.com/ifmar-world-championship-warm-up/ You will also find a dedicated link for signups and info surrounding the host facility including location ad Hotels For the controlled additive, the event will use […]