
published: 2019-03-08 19:09:05 (6685) Author:

Vanessa Wende - International Women of RC

Next stop on our tour meeting some of the great women of RC and we're in Germany with the multi-talented Vanessa Wende!

Hi Vanessa! Tell us, how did you get started in RC?
My father has been driving RC since I was a little child. I was always with him at the track and on races and one day I started driving too.

Racing cars is traditionally a male dominated activity - did you find RC a welcoming environment to join?
For me RC is a welcoming environment. If you want to start driving RC cars you will find a lot of people who will help you.

Would you like to see more women in the sport?
I would like to see more women in the sport. I like at RC that no one has physical disadvantages, everyone can drive together.

What would you say to any women reading this considering getting involved?
If you are interested in RC just try it! You will find many helpful people.