
published: 2019-03-15 06:08:45 (6488) Author:

Daniela Pace - International Women of RC

We're on the last lap with just a few more International Women of RC to meet this time around... and today we're in Switzerland with Daniela Pace!
Hi Daniela! How did you get started in RC?
My friend wanted to try an RC car after a long break from RC flight. We have been playing for a couple of months in a car park before trying a real track in my actual RC club. At that time in 2011, I was always confused between the left and the right steering, but didn't imagine I could enjoy fighting against my negative emotions. In 2012 I began Swiss nationals, as my new school of life. My goal was to manage my emotions to improve my driving. It was a better way to gain concentration and precision, and get rankings. I also have my sponsor to thank in Switzerland from many years, Neidhart, and I am very happy with HB Racing!

Racing cars is traditionally a male dominated activity - did you find RC a welcoming environment to join?
At my beginning, I went unnoticed. I wasn't a pilot's daughter or girlfriend. Just a girl. But I won a race in 2014, and did other podiums and finals. Some men were frustrated I took their position and I felt less welcome. Some men were verbally aggressive, and on the track my car was sometimes at war. That was hard times, but I was determined to stay true to my goal: Just go until the end. I finished 3rd at the end of the season, I was proud. From 2015 I was in the expert category. Like in amateur at my beginning, I was unnoticed again and found new challenges. But my goals stayed the same and are always the same. In front of me they are pilots difficult to follow but they are the ones who show me the way to follow but I have some limits I can't reach. Apart from competence, I had serious health problem which affect my endurance but I continue to go to my school of life. On the other hand, I have become the best opponent for some of the other experts.

Would you like to see more women in the sport?
Of course! From 2018 the daughter of a pilot I know began competing in amateur. In addition to being nice, she has talent and more notoriety than I have. I wish her to keep strong and stay herself. I met other girls in GP or Euros, and realised the approach of girls in this sport is different in other countries, even with sponsors and notoriety. I feel good in Switzerland!

What would you say to any women reading this considering getting involved?
All girls can do it. Like other sports, we need determination to gain our confidence. Of course, it's better to leave the high heels at home and hold off the manicure!