
published: 2010-11-20 12:34:50 (58435) Author: Sander de Graaf

Allocations 1/8th track, 2011 update

Some small updates have been made, especially for the IFMAR WC in Miami
Update Allocation for 2011.

Dear Friends, enclosed a small update with the allocations for next year.
Especially for the WC in Miami some updates have been made and a few countries now have one place less. After the AGM I got a few enquiries from countries that were not present in the meeting for an allocation for the Worlds in Miami.
Due to the fact that I went to Pattaya straight after the EFRA AGM, I was also able to talk to the other blocs in Thailand at the IFMAR AGM. As it looks now almost all the blocs will need their full number of allocations. So there are hardly any extra places available from the other blocs at the moment. We will have to wait till entry forms come back to see what is left and what is possible for re-distribution. That means some of you who have re-allocations on the list will be notified in January if extra places are available.
I apologies for any inconveniences, but EFRA only gets 32 places and 1 for the champion, so it is unrealistic now to distribute more than 40 places.

Sander de Graaf
EFRA 1/8th IC Track Section Chairman