
published: 2014-09-02 11:22:16 (59806) Author: Willy Wuyts

EFRA 2014 Revisited - 2WD LS Off Road EC from Austria

The 2WD Finals brand-new edit!
Just a 30KM trip down the road from Kirchburg we arrive at Fehring, one of the most popular Euros venues having hosted 4 “A” events in the last 4 years. The Austrian track was a huge challenge for the big buggies with it’s 8th Rallycross sized jumps, multi surfaces and even a bridge. Two events took place simultaneously this is the first of them the 2WD Championship – and with reigning champion Valentin Peuziat starting 5th needing to chase down red-hot favourite Alexander Schmitt we were guaranteed a classic – or during the 30 minute final would someone else come to the fore?