
published: 2017-07-17 12:32:05 (33907) Author: Willy Wuyts

EFRA Large Scale Touring Car Euros Finals Report

Under high heat at the achingly beautiful Lostallo circuit we were treated to two great races to crown 2 new European Champions.
In the premier Touring Car it was Bernard-Alain Arnaldi had been the class of the field all weekend and started on pole. In a text book display of precise and controlled driving he slowly built a lead that he was never to lose to regain the title he first won in 2014. Behind him Andrea Catalani gave chase with reigning champion Giovanni Verbrugghe hot in pursuit but it was Patrick Folman who looked most likely to challenge Arnaldi climbing up to second before mechanical woes took him out.
In the F1 class Kevin Stegmuller lead comfortably for most of the race Until his car started to have problems opening the door for Toni Gil Marti to take a surprising win.
Lots of pictures in the gallery: