
published: 2017-08-04 21:59:19 (33241) Author: Willy Wuyts

EFRA 1/8th Nitro Off Road European Championship Qualifying Report

In a fascinating and fiercely fought qualifying here in Eskilstuna the outcome was in doubt right up to the final heat of the final round.
After Friday saw 3 different drivers ? Elliott Boots, Davide Ongaro and David Roinnefalk TQ a round each it was obvious that Saturdays final 2 rounds would be closely fought
In Round 4 it looked like David Ronefalk would take the TQ but a failed Steering screw on the last lap let in out 4th different winner with Robert Battle of Spain taking the top honours.
With the top drivers spread over 3 heats it was anyone?s game and Sweden?s Ronnefalk laid down the gauntlet with an almost error free run to set the fastest time we?d seen here. However his lead lasted just a scant 11 minutes as in the next heat Elliott Boots went a second faster to move to the top of the timing sheets. What followed was one of the best qualifying runs ever seen as former world champion Battle roared out of the gate to set lap after lap in the 39 second bracket to take the TQ by over 6 Seconds! A performance even he described as ?Unbelievable?
Thanks to Phil at for the photo

The full top 10 qualifiers are as follows: