
published: 2010-05-30 12:18:48 (57837) Author: Oli M

1 8 Finals News

Action Continues in Monaco
The 1/8 B Final saw pleanty of action and changes in position throughout the whole race. Remy Hasler (Switzerland) led for the first few laps, before dropping out early on. This allowed Torsten Muller (Germany) to take up the lead, but he was involved in an accident at the 10 minute mark and so fell out of contention. This meant Michael Henzi (Switzerlannd), who had been running in second from around 5 minutes into the race, to move into the first spot. Behind this, Jorg Waeldle (Germany) had completed the first lap in tenth place, but then slowly worked his way up the field, moving into second place at two thirds distance.

It was Michael who took the win with a Novarossi powered Mugen, Jorg in second and Davide Massari taking third with only a few minutes remaining.
Over in the 1/8 A Final, Dominique Subrin (France) was the early leader, until fellow countryman Romain Baehrel passed him at the 2 minute mark. Dominique ran in second place until dropping down the field at one third distance. This allowed Andrea Haechler (Switzerland) to move into second and Dennis Weihert (Germany) to third.

At two thirds distance, Tim Bosmann (Netherlands) took over the third spot.

With the order remaining unchanged until the finish, it was Romain who guided his Boss engined Shepherd to the victory, with Andrea second and Tim joining them in moving up to the Quarter Finals.

The top 4 qualifyers now have a practise session, which will be followed by a short lunchbreak. The finals will resume with the 'B' Quarter Final at 1:00pm local time, building up to the main Final scheduled for 4:00pm local time. Check back to to see how the grid shapes up.