
published: 2010-08-08 12:48:43 (58061) Author: Oli_M

A Final - Leg 1

Volker wins hectic first final
The first leg of the A final took to the track just as some spots of rain started to fall. With the cars all assembled on the grid, the officials initially annouced a five minute delay, but this was quickly cancelled and the final set off on time.

Pole sitter Ronald Volker maintained his advantage to lead the start, as careful driving from all the drivers left the field in grid order through the first few corners.
With a little bit of trading lexan taking place further down the field, Ronald pulled out a small gap ahead of Elliott Harper and Victor Wilck. Juho Levanen had worked his way up to fourth from ninth on the grid as the rain started to fall heavier at the end of the first minute.

For the next couple of minutes the gaps stayed fairly consistent as Ronald maintained his lead from Elliott, Victor and Juho. As the rain stopped the track remained slippery, Andy Moore started chasing down Juho for fourth place. He closed right up to his rear bumper but a combination of the tight track and tricky conditions meant he could not find a way past.
So as time expired, Ronald ran out the clear winner, Elliott had a very lonely drive to second place as did Victor to third. Juho finished fourth with Andy still attached to his rear bumper.

1 Ronald Volker - DE
2 Elliott Harper - GB
3 Victor Wilck - SE
4 Juho Levanen - FIN
5 Andy Moore - GB
6 Jilles Groskamp - NL
7 Yannick Pruemper - DE
8 Marc Fischer - DE
9 Marc Rheinard - DE
10 Loic Jasmin - FR