
published: 2011-08-25 17:18:58 (57829) Author: Oli_M

4WD Practise Update

Cragg Currently Class of Field
With one round of today's qualifying remaining, we've seen some super-close times here in Pau. Using the offical EFRA system of taking a drivers best two consecutive laps added together, it is British driver who tops the leaderboard with a combined time of 52.312 seconds. Just one and a half tenths behind is the winner of the warm-up race, Austria's Hupo Honigl (52.4).

2WD winner and double defending champion Lee Martin sits third overall (52.8), on an almost identical time to German star Jorn Neumann.

A somewhat surprising name in fifth overall is UK driver Danny McGee. Danny, who missed last years Euros, made the B Final in the 2WD class yesterday and currently has a combined laptime of 52.9 seconds.
Ellis Stafford holds the sixth place (53.1), whilst Swedish on-road specialist Viktor Wilck is seventh (also 53.1). The Thunder Power driver's time is made even more impressive given that he was prepared to give up one of his practise runs to allow us to strap an RC Racing TV camera to his car in order to film some on-board footage! Look out for that in a track feature tomorrow!

British drivers Paul Bradby (53.1) and Tom Cockerill (53.5) sit eighth and ninth currently, with French driver Armand Lantheaume rounding out the top 10 with a 53.5 also.

But there's still one more round to run this evening, and two more tomorrow morning before qualifying kicks off. It will be just the results of tomorrows second round of controlled practise that will determine the starting order for the first qualifying heat.

Stay tuned to for loads more coverage throughout the rest of the week, including videos, reports and all the news!