
published: 2019-06-16 19:50:17 (2781) Author: Willy Wuyts

EC B 1/8 Off Road Silla Spain Final day

Finally Daniel Bernabe has been able to complete an Euros B that he dominated since the beginning, counting a total of 3 pole position in the 4 qualis. In semifinals he made clear his goal of not letting go the number 1 and although Oscar Navarro did a nice semifinal, he was not able to steal the first position on the a main starting grid.

The 45 minutes a main has been live streamed with bilingual commentaries by Robert Batlle and Miguel Zambrana, so we don't have much to add except posting the below for you to enjoy this awesome race with interview to the winner at the end.
"Final results"


Video: Last 45 minutes of the final: