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AGM Minutes and Event Calendar 2023

With the AGM 2022 Complete we have pleasure in sharing the sections minutes and 2023 Race Calendar Minutes Main meeting 1-8 1-10 Track minutes 1-8 Off Road Minutes2022 Electric Sections Minutes 2022 Large Scale Minutes 2022 EFRA Race Calendar 2023v6 Race Calendar updates 10/01/2023

Inside EFRA Newsletter: October 2022

With the EFRA racing season complete, the latest Inside EFRA newsletter has been sent to all EFRA newsletter subscribers. Please read the newsletter here. This issue features a heartfelt message from EFRA President Javier Garcia ahead of next month’s AGM. The Inside EFRA newsletter sends the latest news to racers, […]

Inside EFRA Newsletter: August 2022

Now that the EFRA summer racing season is over, there are just a few more ECs coming up before the World Championships roll around once again! The latest Inside EFRA newsletter has been sent to all EFRA newsletter subscribers. You are welcome to read the newsletter here. The Inside EFRA […]