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Information for EFRA AGM 2023

  Dear Friends, In this first package you can find some info for preparing the next EFRA AGM. This years AGM will take place in Malmö, Sweden on 17-18-19th of November 2023. A voucher for delegates participating at this AGM will be send out later. There will be no virtual […]

Section Chairman’s report for Efra 1/8 European Championship Vila Real Portugal

ORGANISER….  ANVR supported by FEPRA Race Director…Jose Alfonso Pineda (AECAR) Time Keeper…Javier Llobregat (AECAR) Efra Referee. Giacomo Moretti( EFRA) National Referee…Pedro Pereira (FEPRA) Arriving Monday morning at the AMVR to find most of the drivers/pilots getting ready for a 09:00 start. All the tables had been marked with the appropriate […]

2023 EC 1/10 IC Track Race Report: Italy 🇮🇹 #EFRA10thICEC

1/10 EFRA EC Report ASD Naxos World 12/06/23 to 17/06/2023 Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy Organiser: Salvatore Schepis, Vito Geraci & AMSCI Race Director: Teodoro Spagnolo Time keeper: Maurizio Rivera Technical Inspection: Giovanni Attollino Referees: Vito Geraci EFRA Referee: Fabio Marzini Arriving at the track at 08:30 Monday morning to find […]

Celebrating 50 Years of EFRA!

This year, EFRA celebrates its 50th anniversary! That’s right! To help celebrate this momentous occasion, all competitors in EFRA European Championship events will receive a commemorative coin that is ONLY available this year! This is a special, limited edition coin, commissioned just for 2023 and ready to attach to your […]